South Carolina Snow Spectacular

by - February 13, 2010

There once was a woman who was a little girl in New England. She had fond memories of playing outside late into the first snowy night of the season each year. Well, those memories got dusted off this weekend, because we got to spent our Friday night like this:

and like this....

We spent much of the evening recording these very unusual (for us) images...

We awoke this morning to find that it looked just like this outside our house:

So while the entire subdivision was drawn into the streets, Mike and I went exploring the woods behind our neighborhood, and I'm so glad we did. Here's what we stumbled upon....

Now, it's 43 degrees and....IT'S MELTING! IT'S MELTING!! (Think Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz.) It sure was magical. Who would have thought that 8.6 inches could take me back so far as childhood.

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