Come, Delight

by - February 17, 2012

You see it on the face of babies as they discover a whole new world. Everything, each color and texture and moment. The creation of God delights the souls of his prize creatures when it is new because we are new.

Have we forgotten? We grow and shoulder this world, see it as responsibility rather than delight. We have forgotten. We think we are to carry it, but the world is his footstool. He rests upon it.  It was never meant to be a burden for us to carry. We couldn't possibly carry Him.

So stop.

And delight.

See it new and fresh. Smell it, take in the heady sent of February. The crunching snow or the budding daffodils, whatever delight He has put before you.

Taste it. See it. Know that he is good and rest.

Because He does. He kicks off his shoes, and delights, for it is all holy. His workmanship is holy. He props his feet up and smiles it in.

Climb in his lap. He invites us. Rest in Him. He wants to be our delight.

It only takes time and desire. It takes throwing off pretend responsibility and seeing that He's got whole world in his hands. And it is beauty and light. It is light dancing in the blue ice sky. He is here. He is there. Everywhere in his creation. It sings his glory.

And we are His delight.

Come as a child. Become delighted.

Joining the Gypsy Mama today for a Friday Five Minute Free Write.

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  1. Refreshing words here! Such a beautiful reflection on the goodness God has for us here, in this life.

  2. I love this - what a great reminder that all the burdens are His. We are just to be obedient and just enjoy this beautiful world He has created for us.

  3. "It takes throwing off pretend responsibility and seeing that He's got whole world in his hands." Pretend responsibility. I like that. How many times have I fooled myself into thinking I "must" get something done, only to frazzle myself and my kids in the process, when all the while I should have let Him guide and lead. How tiring it is when I insist on doing the "driving" to all my "pretend responsibilities."

    On another note, I love your writing style. Truly.

  4. Lovely invitation to "Delight!" How refreshing! I think I'll accept! Thanks.

  5. "for all is holy" - - yes! wonderful.

  6. "Climb in His lap. He invites us. Rest in Him." Yes! This brings perspective. To slow time and to see and to take time to delight in Him. I loved your post! Thank you!


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