Daniel Fast Day 15 :: Taste

by - January 22, 2012

Coffee is one of the things I do every day. It's right up there with brushing my teeth and sleeping. I do these things every day. I don't eat apples every day. I don't even cook supper every day.  But I never miss my morning cup. Never. (Not even on my Daniel Fast—I know.)

But I didn't like coffee for he first thirty years of my life. In fact, when I was a girl, I didn't want to grow up because grown ups drank coffee, and I didn't want to drink coffee—ever. Now I drink it daily and never tire of it.

How did this happen? How did something I dislike become something I not only like but do daily with such enjoyment? There has to be something to it more than just growing up.

It may seem silly, but I need to know, because I want diet and exercise to go the way of coffee in my life. I know in my head that healthy diet and exercise are good for me. I understand their benefit and the need to incorporate them into my daily living. But I'm the little girl who doesn't want to grow up when it comes to those two. When I try to drink the bitter cup, its a battle, a burden, and distasteful. Sort of like those first few cups of coffee I half-drank politely, under the pressure of social conformity.

Now that I think of it, the amount of cream and sugar was scandalous in those first timid cups. They were more like dessert than coffee in those steaming mugs. Now I take my coffee with no sugar, only cream, and every morning. Therein lies the strategy. A little social pressure, a little conformity, a little bit of sweetening things up to make them more palatable. Drink half cups and smile politely at your guests. Repeat as necessary until you're actually enjoying it.

These two new guests I'm reluctant to have become residents in my every day? I'm introducing them slowly, in small portions, sweetened up a bit too much at first. I know it's the right thing to do, so I cave under the pressureto conform and add a little more cream until my smile's not fake anymore.

Eventually, I'll be able to stomach them stronger and with less sugar, just like the coffee. They'll become old friends I look forward to when each day dawns anew.

I've tried fast and furious before and failed.  This time I'm going the way of coffee: slow and sweet with a fake smile. These will be my concessions to secure success for a lifetime. Sometimes obedience is an acquired taste. I'm doing whatever it takes to acquire it.

The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom;
And with all your acquiring, get understanding.
Proverbs 4:7

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  1. I've been following your 'fasting' posts but haven't commented yet. I wanted to send prayers of encouragement your way, because your posts have really touched me in their honesty and openness.
    We are all in this together, trying to do our best in a flawed and imperfect world. But you are right - we are perfect in the eyes of God.
    You are courageous to be so honest about what's difficult and I thank you for your courage and honesty X

  2. What a sweet comment, DeborahJoy. You have encouraged me, so I'm glad you took a moment to comment. It thrills my heart that dealing with my own struggles is helping others want to deal with theirs. Reflecting on the fasting and healthful living journey here has turned out to be such a blessing to me. So glad it's turning out to be that for others as well.

  3. "Sometimes obedience is an acquired taste. I'm doing whatever it takes to acquire it." This is so true. I love these posts. So much to think about. Praying for you!


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