To Stop the Spinning

by - May 15, 2011

It's happening again: this life racing by like Dale Jarrett.  So I -- again -- chase it, snatch it, little snipets to hold on to, to pull like an emergency brake and slow me down.  Because I need to spin more slowly, I count:

(Melody spnning a hydranga blossom.)

404 ~ the smell of Starbucks morning buns early on the way to church
405 ~ a mother-daughter-friend banquet with my mother, my daughter, and a friend
406 ~ the home stretch
407 ~ phone conversation with an on-line friend
408 ~ being brave to ignore fear and chase dreams
409 ~ chamomile tea
410 ~ a week of prayer
411 ~ a voice at the other end of the line when the alarm sounds
412 ~ anticipating summer
413 ~ coming home to the sound of son and daughter singing at the piano God's praise
414 ~ a date night to look forward to and being appreciated
415 ~ the warm spot on Mike's side of the bed
416 ~ a kid arguement that end in a giggle fest, a sweet grace
417 ~ tea party with strong teaching
418 ~ a fresh lesson in amazing grace
419 ~ missing Dad
420 ~ this:

I never want to stop counting my gratitude, grace, joy ....

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  1. What a precious reminder of God's plan for us, that we would be "white as snow." I am His bride and I want to be pleasing, ready (prepared for Him), spotless, no guilt, no condemnation, without wrinkle. Thank You Jesus for making this possible! I surrender all with great joy to You my King. --Thanks Dawn for posting and being transparent in your journey with Christ. I love you very much.

  2. Sweet list. Thanks for reminding me to keep counting. Perhaps "reckoning" would be a better word for me. Counting those things as "so" because that is what life is made of...grace for the moment not for the future.

  3. Mike, your comments are about the song. It has ministered to me greatly.

    Susan, I love your thoughts that grace is only for the moment, like manna and that the counting is a reckoning.

  4. Your spinny metaphor is amazing. HEART IT!! And because it's very very PUNNY - this one is my fave from the list: 417 ~ tea party with strong teaching. God bless and keep you and each and every one of yours Dawn. These were good, really good words. Thank you.


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